Versatile Blogger Award Nominations!
Hey there internet! Thanks Carmen and Jo at Pack Your Baguois I've been nominated for the Versatile Blogger Award. This award is similar.... ... received poor star ratings on your wonderful blog posts I have a troll who has followed you here ... Versatile Blogger Award Nomination.. Thank the person that nominated you for the award; Include a link to their blog; Nominate 15 other bloggers; Share seven things about yourself.... Hey all. I have the distinct pleasure of bringing you a very special post this evening. I was nominated for the Versatile Blogger Award by Edel.. Jump to My Nominations for the Versatile Blogger Award - I would like to nominate and award the Versatile Blogger Award to: How Not To Travel.... Having never been nominated for any blog awards before, I'm honoured to have started 2018 with two nominations. Back in January I was.... So what are the rules of the Versatile Blogger Award? If you are nominated you must: Write and publish a blog post thanking and linking back.... So I am finally getting around to accepting my nomination for this award. I am embarrassed by my tardiness I was nominated by the.... Thank the person who nominated you and link their blog. See above. Share seven facts about yourself. Nominate 15 other bloggers. I'm.... The wonderful Sadje, the creator of Keep It Alive has kindly nominated me for The Versatile Blogger Award, as you can see from her post...
The Versatile Blogger Award is one of the best of the 'chain letter' awards out there in the blogosphere. It is a blogger award that recognizes.... Many thanks to Sadje at Keep It Alive who has kindly nominated me for this. The rules of the Versatile Blogger Award are as follows: 1.. I've seen so many posts on Twitter for the Versatile Blogger Award of late and I didn't have a clue what they were, but now I've been nominated.... I was so honored to be nominated for the Versatile Blogger Award by Joannda over at A Zest For Travel!. Y'all... I was nominated earlier this week for this Versatile Blogger Award. Twice. Please, hold your applause. First, I'd like to thank the Academy.... 2: Link to the blog of the person who nominated you. 3: Write 7 facts about yourself. 4: Nominate 15 more bloggers for the Versatile Blogger.... A blog award is an award for the best blog in a given category. Some blog awards are based on a public vote and others are based on a fixed set of criteria.... Hi Carley! My blog was just nominated for the VBA. Is it that whoever has been nominated has won the award? Also, to nominate other people will it.... Two nominations, I'm stoked! This time it's for the Versatile Blogger Award which is designed to reward other bloggers who inspire them with.... First and foremost, I would like to thank Budget Traveller for nominating me for the Versatile Blogger Award. This is the second award I have received this year,...
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